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white-label  adj.— «AOL will continue using Google’s advertising technology, but with a twist: AOL will now have the ability to “white label” it and sell search advertising directly to advertisers on AOL-owned properties...


Ajax  n.— «Google Suggest and Google Maps are two examples of a new approach to web applications that we at Adaptive Path have been calling Ajax. The name is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript + XML, and it represents a fundamental...

Google egg

Google egg  n.— «Google egg: A small piece of information [most likely a name or phrase] published on the web for the purpose of being “found” by a specific person(s), via an anticipated [or pre-arranged] search query...


ready-to-know  n.— «And all this information should be available “on the go,” i.e. accessible in the offline AND online (wired and wireless) world: think of it as the Google effect (demanding and getting instant answers)...


foo  suffix— «I am so sure I have read something about this recently, but I’m dammed if I can find it again, my google foo is weak today.» —“your call cannot be completed as dialled” by Lensman alt.ph.uk Aug. 11...


skeempers  n.— «My father had a favorite term he used to describe anything that pinched or clasped. Consequently, the kitchen tongs and the snaps on my pajamas came to be called skeempers. The Oxford English Dictionary, Merriam Webster...