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knol  n.— «Earlier this week, we started inviting a selected group of people to try a new, free tool that we are calling “knol,” which stands for a unit of knowledge.…At the heart, a knol is just a web page; we use the...

Nosy Parkers and Butternuts (minicast)

Grant goes through the mailbag, offering answers about the terms “nosy parker,” “out of pocket,” and about whether the word “falsehood” has its origins in medieval garb. He also throws a question out to listeners...


Googleganger  n.— Note: From the German word “doppelgänger,” meaning a look-alike or a double of a person. «It was an honest mistake: Eve’s name kept showing up on X-rated sites when her mother Googled it to keep tabs on her...


grouplet  n.— «When the thing you really want to work on is to make a broad change across the whole organization, you need something new—you need a “grouplet.” These grouplets have practically no budget, and they have no decision-making...


screwgle  v.— «Suggested addition of a new word into the language of the web. Screwgle, as in “My wife caught me leaving a strip club on Google Street View, I got screwgled!”» —“Google Maps zoom feature inspires...