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ghetto slot

ghetto slot  n.— «Come September, classical music on Radio 2 will go from 12 hours of programming to five, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.—what die-hard fans refer to as the “ghetto slot.”» —“Revamp misses...

Ghetto Chickens

Ghetto Chickens  n.pl.— «The Ravens look very little like the team that went 13-3 last season to win the AFC North, yet they act like every stop is a goal-line stand. No wonder people in this area refer to them as “The Ghetto...


poop-butt  n.— «A poop-butt mother-fucker in here dealin’ gets pushed aside, fucked over and stomped down.» —“Playing a Cold Game: Phases of a Ghetto Career” by Alan G. Sutter Drugs and Politics , 1977...

only meatball in the rice

only meatball in the rice  n.— «I didn’t want her to be the only meatball in the rice, but I didn’t want her to go to an all-black school and get up with some of this so-called ghetto stuff.» —“Felon makes new life as a...

ghetto latte

ghetto latte  n.— «Should I be attacked by henchmen and/or henchwomen while preparing a shot (it does happen…remember the skanky ghetto latte customers?) I can use my espresso machine as a lethal weapon.» —“simonelli lever...

ghetto latte

ghetto latte  n.— «Anyway, he doesn’t want to pay the extra so he says for me to forget the breve and just put the shots into a tall cup which I do. He then pours in some cold half and half himself. We call this a ghetto latte because...