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Episode 1593

Word Hoard

Ever wonder what medieval England looked and sounded like? In Old English, the word hord meant “treasure” and your wordhord was the treasure of words locked up inside you. A delightful new book uses the language of that period to create...

Do You Call In Sick or Call Out Sick?

A Vermont listener says that if she has to be absent from work due to illness, she would call in sick. Her twenty-something daughters, however, use the phrase call out sick. Is this a generational difference, or a regional one, and is one more...


genderqueer  adj.— «Even though Melissa always defined herself as a lesbian, she said her partner’s transition made sense to her. Part of the couple’s sangfroid is generational—she and Rey see themselves as genderqueer rather than gay. For...

Generation Jones

Generation Jones  n.— «“BOOMj.com will provide the first major online political community for both Boomers and Jonesers, combining content tailored specifically to this generational audience, along with unique interactive tools allowing...

pig in the pipe

pig in the pipe  n.— «The economic impact of this glut of postwar children is familiar to those in the City, who refer to it as the “pig in the pipe”—the visible signs of the baby boomers charging through the decades...


spokesweasel  n.— «To put it simply, and with no intention of being a generational spokesweasel, just pay back the debts and we’ll do the rest. That’s just about the only political issue that we seem to agree about here.» —“Re: A...