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3G  n.— «Third generation networks…will enable users to make video calls and receive high-speed downloads of music, news, even short films. Overseas, 3G content has been dubbed as “girls, games and gambling.”» —“3G:...

9/11 generation

9/11 generation  n.— «The lure of joining a volunteer fire department can be considerable for undergraduates, who as part of the 9/11 generation tend to hold firefighters in particularly high esteem.» —“Students Who Rush to Class...


bedhead  n.— «She looked remarkably corporate in her blue sleeveless dress, but she still had bedhead, her blonde hair going every which way. Mary thought it might be intentional, because nobody but her actually parted their hair anymore...

age compression

age compression  n.— «There can scarcely have been a generation of adults that doesn’t complain that kids seem to be growing up earlier than ever. This time there seems to be some substance to the cliche. The marketers have even coined a...


ding-ding  n.— «The wooden double-decker “ding-ding,” so nicknamed for its clanging bell, is to make way for a new generation of streamlined aluminum models, which Hongkong Tramways Ltd says will be safer, faster and more...


partey  n.— «If our military strategists feel that tear gas and batons would be enough to control an enraged mob of “parteys’ they are deluding themselves. Things have progressed to the stage in Male’ today where almost every...

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