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geek syndrome

geek syndrome  n.— «People with Asperger’s, which affects mostly boys, aren’t likely to have any physical disabilities. They sometimes show an extraordinary grasp of obscure topics. As a result, the condition is sometimes known as the...

little professor syndrome

little professor syndrome  n.— «People with Asperger’s, which affects mostly boys, aren’t likely to have any physical disabilities. They sometimes show an extraordinary grasp of obscure topics. As a result, the condition is sometimes known...

me wall

me wall  n.— «It’s amusing to see Washington fixed by such a vodka-gimlet eye; we can all recognize the type of government geek who refuses to remove his security badge—”how canine,” sniffs Jackie—or posts photos of himself...

turn blue

turn blue  v.— «I got caught playing the expectations game on two fronts the past week…one of them was work where I decided (some geek friends of mine will shudder) …to apply for a full time Microsoft position…since my...


cup  v.— «I’ve had the opportunity to “cup” (critically evaluate) Torrefazione’s coffee selections several times in the past five years, and I’ve noticed a continual, gradual decline in the quality of the beans used, and roast...