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jet people

jet people n.pl. asylum-seekers, refugees, or immigrants who relocate by airplane. Also plane people. Etymological Note: Constructed in the fashion of boat people. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


bump  n.— «Star Magazine, “Entertainment Tonight” and People Magazine all refer to it as “the bump,” and since Britney first started sporting hers last year, it’s been the hottest thing going.» —“How to get the most out of your...

muffin top

muffin top  n.— «For an unfriendly fashion that can render even slim young girls unsightly, with middles spilling over the top of tight jeans in what has become known as the “muffin top” effect, it has proved to be alarmingly...


sugar  n.— «Diabetes, commonly known as “sugar” in many Caribbean cultures, occurs when the body either lacks the ability to produce the hormone insulin, lacks the ability to use insulin properly—or both.» —“Diabetes...


fooding  n.— «Go “fooding.” No, it’s not a typo, but a new Parisian word to describe the concept of food as a fashion lifestyle choice. Le fooding is as much about the ambience and style of the restaurant as the food on your...


sleeve  v.— «I am completley sleeved and my back is totally done now.» —“tattoos for women magazine, help :)” by sylverhwk5@aol.com (Sylverhwk5) Usenet: alt.gothic.fashion May 19, 2002. (source: Double-Tongued...