cougay n.— «The SNL skit below coined the word cougay to refer to an older gay man chasing younger gay men.…Another reason why I posted this blog about cougay (aka chicken hawk) is to beg the question “Am I a cougay?” I...
ticktock n.— «As to whether he backed Mr. Geithner’s decision to introduce the bank bailout plan before arriving at specifics, Mr. Summers, well schooled in Washington’s ways, invoked newspaper slang for behind-the-scenes...
transmale adj.— «“A transmale speaker guy” gave a talk at a meeting of his high school’s Gay Straight Alliance, and Rey was inspired.…During one of their days together, Melissa, who was immersed in campus gender activism...
clobber passage n.— «The familiar Old Testament clobber passage had been misused by Robertson, Falwell, and other “selective literalists” to condemn homosexuality, but this Presbyterian literalist was going all the way...
barmuda triangle n.— «Free Internet access has been made available locally at Macleod’s and Preservation Pub on Market Square and, most recently, the Downtown Grill and Brewery on Gay Street, installations locals refer to as the...
GPA n.— «GPA also stands for a university or college’s Gay Point Average. Windmeyer’s book, “The Advocate College Guide for LGBT Students,” released in August, evaluates a school’s GPA based on different components which...