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Beltway Slang

Todd Purdum’s recent Vanity Fair article on the presidency contains intriguing beltway slang, including gaggle and full lid. This is part of a complete episode.


mocialite  n.—Gloss: a homosexual socialite. Note: From homosexual + s(o)cialite. «Also there, among a gaggle of pretty girls, was adorable “mocialite and former Queer Eye design guru Thom Felicia, who was celebrating a new big life...


gaybie  n.— «Also there, among a gaggle of pretty girls, was adorable “mocialite and former Queer Eye design guru Thom Felicia, who was celebrating a new big life decision. He and his boyfriend are going to make a gaybie! One of...

big dance

big dance  n.— «On Friday, he scheduled his first informal back-and-forth with the press, an informal, off-camera session called the “gaggle” which White House press secretaries typically hold in the mornings as a sort of...


gaggle  n.— «White House press secretary Scott McClellan holds what is commonly referred to as the “Gaggle,” a near-daily briefing given to the chief White House correspondents of their “respected” news outlets.» —“White House Press...


spokesweasel  n.— «If you really need to see the sorry state of journalism these days, look no farther than today’s White House press gaggle, where spokesweasel Scott McClellan flat out lies in the face of the reporters, and they just sit...