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Join us for an uplifting educational event!

Join Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett, co-hosts of public radio’s A Way with Words, on Thursday, September 17, for an enjoyable fundraising event honoring the distinguished alumni of the Community Colleges of San Diego County. Tickets here or...

Now hiring a development associate

Public Radio Nonprofit Development Associate Summary Wayword, Inc., the nonprofit entity producing the nationwide public radio program A Way with Words, seeks an experienced development and fundraising associate to maximize our growing revenue...

Radio dial x - Nothing Else Like it On Public Radio

Nothing Else Like it On Public Radio

We need your contribution today. A Way with Words costs money to make. And it receives no money from National Public Radio or radio stations. In fact, the biggest part of the show’s budget is covered by listeners just like you. More than a...


canning  n.— «Marilyn Frano, Weymouth’s substance abuse prevention coordinator, said she came up with the idea after she heard that Weymouth High School athletes were asked to collect change—a practice known as “canning”—outside liquor...