fussy-cutting v.— «The term “fussy-cutting” has come into favor for describing the art of cutting out desired portions of a fabric, usually small areas, to create specific effects in a quilt.…Take time to look at fabrics...
counter-recruiter n.— «The board’s action was praised by a counter-recruiter for the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization.» —“School Board Votes To Stop Selling Names To Recruiters” by Beth...
dark ages n.— «Dark Ages—Period between Christmas and spring break, when bad weather and no breaks make it the most depressing time of the year.» —“A look at the lingo used by the mids; Source: Brief Points: An Almanac for Parents...
joke jail n.— «Joke jail—Plebes can be required by upperclassmen to tell jokes; if the jokes are poor, the plebe must hold his fork in front of his face as if speaking through jail bars.» —“A look at the lingo used by the mids;...
mech-e n.— «Mech-e—Mechanical engineering.» —“A look at the lingo used by the mids; Source: Brief Points: An Almanac for Parents and Friends of U.S. Naval Academy Midshipmen” in U.S. Naval Academy The...
anchor n.— «Anchor—Midshipmen with lowest order of merit in class.» —“A look at the lingo used by the mids; Source: Brief Points: An Almanac for Parents and Friends of U.S. Naval Academy Midshipmen” in U.S. Naval...