A thick blanket or stack of blankets is also called a pallet. The Dictionary of American Regional English says this term is most common in the South Midlands — such states as Tennessee, Kentucky, and Missouri. In the New American Standard Bible...
What’s the deal with using the two-letter postal code abbreviations for states, instead of the longer, more formal abbreviations? That is, why write IN for Indiana instead of good old Ind.? A caller is annoyed by U.S. Postal Service...
A San Diego woman is bothered by the convention of addressing envelopes to Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Shouldn’t we also include the woman’s first name?
hit-and-run bag n. a small container of basic supplies or survival gear, intended for use in a sudden departure; a go bag. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
trucker bomb n. a roadside bottle (or other small container) filled with urine. Also torpedo. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
bullets and beans n.pl. the weapons, munitions, equipment, and supplies of a military; materiel. Editorial Note: See the cites for variations, which are usually alliterative. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)