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Episode 1412

Buckle Down

It’s time for book recommendations! Martha’s enjoying an armchair tour of important places in the history of our language, and Grant recommends relaxing with books that make great reading for both children and adults. Plus, are you the...

Spit Baths

Spit baths are another common form of quickie baths, wherein a moist towel is used to wipe schmutz off a child’s face. One fraternity member emailed us to say that when he was in college, over-spraying with cologne in lieu of a shower was...


If you tell a buddy, “Don’t bogart that joint,” you’re telling him not to hog the marijuana cigarette. Ahem. We know phrase was popularized in the film Easy Rider (performed by The Fraternity of Man) but does it have anything...

ledge party

ledge party  n.— «After the usual alcoholic overindulgence, I followed him upstairs, where I soon passed out on his sofa. There, I assumed the starring role in a garden-variety “ledge party,” my deflowering on display for anyone desiring a...


liftoff  n.— «“Liftoff” in headhunter speak, or team movement in common parlance, is the latest buzzword that’s creating a stir in India Inc, especially in the financial sector.…Recently, four key executives from JM Financial...


bins  n.pl.— «This chance encounter brought birds to his attention, the scales fell from his eyes, and he began to take notice of them, and the peculiar, underground fraternity (and sorority) who stalk them with bins (birding shorthand for...