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bugaboo word

bugaboo word  n.— «I hope he will be defeated so badly that the bugaboo word Imperialism will never be heard again.» —“What Republicanism Has Done in Wyoming” by Francis R. Warren Fort Wayne...


flying  n.— «It was gathered that affected importers had hoped on “flying” the containers, another name for unlawful removal of goods out of the ports without necessary documents and payment of duties.» —“Importers Abandon...

rocket surgery

rocket surgery  n.— «“In a way, movie making is rocket surgery,” Mr. Gordon says of the Hollywood melange that beguiles him so. “It’s a very quirky art form that intersects with business.”» —“On Sunday In Boot Camp...


 v.— «Davis and Francis were jackassing the chute into place when in walks the architect» —“All about Francis” by John Hart Carpenter Sept., 1955. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


peachalorum  n.— «If you don’t know how to get away with this Job, you ought not to go against it. You are what Charles Francis Adams would call a Peachalorum.» —“Modern Fables” by George Ade Washington Post Dec...

snooker clause

snooker clause  n.— «This is a “snooker” clause—Albany parlance for a deceitful contrivance—according to Assemblymen Edward H. Lehner of Manhattant and G. Oliver Koppell of the Bronx.» —“Judgeship Battle at Hand For Albany...