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We Pinkie-Swear

Fellow wordivas and wordudes, This week on A Way with Words we start a brand-new season! To celebrate, we noodled with anagrams, including the one in the title of this episode. Listen here. Also on the show: A New York City schoolteacher asks...

fox hole

fox hole  n.— «Fox Hole: area beneath desk where telephone calls can take place peacefully.» —“Revealed: how to chat up a senior clerk” by Nina Goswami TheLawyer.com July 13, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued...

hi mom

hi mom  n.— «Just before Thanksgiving, 2004, a Fox News producer with whom I’d worked a number of times in Kabul and Bagram showed up on Bagram Air Field to shoot what military PA people call “Hi Moms”—the little snippets of...

be daredeviled

be daredeviled  v. phr.— «During the last negotiation for the Independent Production Agreement, in 2001, 20th Century Fox claimed the studio canceled plans to shoot the Ben Affleck action flick Daredevil in Montreal and relocated it to...

shoot the fox

shoot the fox  v. phr.— «I hope bloody Brad in California is happy now. England are 11 for two from 13 overs today. “Well that’s shot the fox, as they say in Australia,” says Clare Davies, in Scotland. “Too many comments...

hard eight

hard eight  n.— «Many kids programming networks are virtually sold out for the crucial holiday season, in particular for what is known as the “hard eight,” the eight weeks leading up to Christmas. “For fourth quarter, we...