Pig Zero n.— «There is not yet any genetic proof that this particular flu was ever in a pig. […] Now, scientists say, the hunt is on for what is jokingly being called Pig Zero. “No one that I’m aware of has swabbed pigs for this yet...
aporkalypse n.—Gloss: A joking name for the swine flu pandemic. «As a responsible newspaper in serious times—when the world is threatened by climate change, economic collapse and what we are steadfastly refusing to describe as a...
boot camp flu n.— «One month into her training—Paige came down with what’s known as “boot camp flu,” or the adenovirus.» —“Ohio Airman among deadly cold virus victims” by Maureen Kyle in Norton WKYC...
freshers’ flu n.— «Freshers’ Flu is a label used to describe the heavy cold symptoms—including headaches, cold sweats and a runny nose—experienced by many students in their first few weeks of university. It strikes at a time when...
creeping crud n.— «The creeping crud was going around, so some players were sick with flu-like symptoms. Then we lost two non-starters with mono. And we were afraid it was going to spread to the whole team.» —“Two area volleyball...
creeping crud n.— «The Republican state representative from Williamson County, interviewed at his Capitol office last week, for 10 days or so had been fighting what some people call the creeping crud, a debilitating mixture of cold, flu...