Home » Flip-flops


Zoris and Tabis

Dexter from San Diego, California, says his family used the word zoris for the footwear other people call flip-flops. In Japan, the word zori refers to a type of footwear made of grass or straw, and English speakers adopted this term in the early...

Generational Gaps

Does your vocabulary mark you as old or outdated? Certain words really indicate generational gaps, like chronological shibboleths. For example, are thongs panties or flip-flops? And what do women carry around — a pocketbook, a purse, or a bag? Your...


Slap, slap, slap, slap– the sound of flip-flops on your feet. These floppy-soled shoes go by other names like zoris and thongs, but a caller wonders why in some parts of the country they’re called go-aheads. This is part of a complete...


skintern  n.— «Most of the new interns dressed appropriately, but one young woman wore flip-flops and a “skirt that was way too short.”…“One of the boys called them skinterns, which I thought was hilarious. Younger kids...