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cookie duster

cookie duster  n.— «Of all Piazza’s assets, the one most easily shared by other cool guys is that close-cropped triangle of chin hair known as a soul patch, or flavor saver or cookie duster.» —“Little Bit O’ Soul The Soul Patch—Barely...

flavor saver

flavor saver  n.— «And before we forget it, just what is that growth of hair under Jackson’s lip, anyhow? “Jud Buechler calls it a flavor saver,” Jackson said. “It’s my Frank Zappa look.”» —“Bickering Bulls...

flavor saver

flavor saver  n.— «My housemate calls those little, tiny, under the lip pieces of beard (a la grunge musicians) a “flavor saver.”» —“Re: Did Jerry prefer Hostess or Drake’s?” by Kimberly Dewey Usenet: rec...

flavor saver

flavor saver  n.— «I have a tube of toothpaste to clean up with a little later…and a bar of soap to clean up the flavor saver—er—beard and moustache.» —“Lynn Gold wants to know “why oral sex…“” by...

soup bunch

soup bunch  n.— «Since much of the flavor of rice scrapple is in the boiling stock, you might consider using a traditional Charleston soup bunch. This is a bouquet of herbs and vegetables tied up with string, consisting of parsley, a slice...


dutching  n.— «Another is that the traditional processing methods—especially the fermentation, roasting and what’s known as “dutching,” which is the addition of alkali to mellow flavor—strip the nutrients, and especially the...