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fear gauge

fear gauge  n.— «The selling was largely driven by a sharp rise in volatility, with the Vix index, often referred to as Wall Street’s “fear gauge” hitting a two-year high.» —“Emerging equities suffer worst losing streak since...


pinhook  v.— «Although many of the weanlings are to be pinhooked, they brought yearling-style prices. Still, with the yearling market on the rise it’s possibly the time to take such risks. (Pinhooking means buying weanlings to be sold on...

white label

white label  adj.— «The value proposition for this co-opetition-enabling resource is a central clearinghouse for digital recertification and a single source for eCommerce infrastructure mechanisms such as Internet banking, business-to...


story  n.— «Now the focus of investing has changed, avers Kumar. No more turnaround companies. “They have all turned around enough. So now I am concentrating on companies with stories.” In normal parlance it means companies that are...


tele-cocooning  n.— «Most people use their phones to stay in close contact with between three and five loved ones or friends, she says. Sociological literature, which has a habit of sprouting important-sounding titles for any new...

speed money

speed money  n.— «They feel that such reporting is futile since police would not make the GD entry of a case without bribe or would investigate such a case only on payment of ‘speed money’ which is another name for bribes.» —“Police...