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pass-through pork

pass-through pork  n.— «House Government Finance and Appropriations Committee meets at 1:30 p.m. in room 617 to consider bill to ban practice known as “pass-through pork,” where a legislator hides money in a state agency, so it...


refi n. a refinancing of a mortgage or loan. Etymological Note: Clipping of refinance. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

rocking chair job

rocking chair job  n.— «One way to finance a rise in wages, he said, would be to get rid of secretaries to secretaries, rocking chair jobs and jobs that overlapped.» —“Urge Pay Increase Before Aldermen” New York...

upside down

upside down  adj.— «A growing number of motorists now find they owe more on their car loans than the vehicles are worth. The phenomenon, known as being “upside down” on a loan, reflects changes in the ways Americans buy and...


Fanron  n.— «It is with no overt sense of hyperbole or irony that Bill Fleckenstein from Fleckenstein Capital has taken to calling Fannie Mae (NYSE: FNM) “Fanron.” Case in point: yesterday’s disclosure that its primary...


leg  n.— «For those that still have all their marbles a “leg” is any soldier who isn’t Airborne. As opposed to the soldiers who work in finance and personel, who I like to refer to as “chairborne”).» —“When I...