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bulking  n.— «As many as 40 of SA’s biggest retirement fund administrators may have illicitly earned interest income on the assets they control, the Financial Services Board told Parliament’s Finance Committee yesterday at a hearing...


mezz  n.— «The group provides what is called mezzanine finance (or mezz in finance industry parlance), a mixture of debt and equity. It earns high interest on the debt part and gets an option on an equity stake which it can cash in when...

mezzanine finance

mezzanine finance  n.— «The group provides what is called mezzanine finance (or mezz in finance industry parlance), a mixture of debt and equity. It earns high interest on the debt part and gets an option on an equity stake which it can...

difong kong

difong kong  n.— «First National Bank Botswana has now decided to fund the buying of second hand cars from Japan and Singapore. A few months ago, it was taboo to expect any bank to even listen to a request for finance to buy these...

twinkie tax

twinkie tax  n.— «According to the survey, over 75% of consumers would support the “fat tax”—or “twinkie tax” as it is sometimes called—if the revenues were used to make healthier foods less expensive or to make...

pass-through pork

pass-through pork  n.— «House Government Finance and Appropriations Committee meets at 1:30 p.m. in room 617 to consider bill to ban practice known as “pass-through pork,” where a legislator hides money in a state agency, so it...