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STOLI  n.— «In what has to be the wackiest new trend in life insurance, many consumers are allowing total strangers to place bets on when they will expire—and the sooner they go, the bigger the payoff. It’s called Stranger-Originated Life...

exploding ARM

exploding ARM  n.— «The man Bob Woodward called “Maestro” actually advised Americans to shun fixed-rate loans for adjustable-rate mortgages. Dubbed “exploding ARMs” to describe the impact of upwardly adjusting...

tail risk

tail risk  n.— «“Tail risk,” as it is known to quantitative traders, for where it falls in a bell-shaped probability curve. Tail risk, broadly speaking, is whatever financial cataclysm is believed by markets to have a 1 percent chance or...

scratch and dent loan

scratch and dent loan  n.— «The “other” category includes…scratch and dent loans and resecuritizations.» —by Frank J. Fabozzi Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities Dec. 21, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued...

scratch and dent loan

scratch and dent loan n. a loan or mortgage that has become a risky debt investment, especially one secured with minimal documentation or made by a borrower who has missed payments. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

scratch and dent mortgage

scratch and dent mortgage  n.— «Hanover’s primary niche is buying “scratch and dent” mortgage portfolios that for one reason or another do not qualify for Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.» —“Hanover Weathers REIT...