academic redshirting n.— «Concern about the academic fate of children who stumble in the early grades is driving up the entrance age for kindergarten at schools across the United States. In some states, education policy-makers are taking...
Big Mother n.— «When a pupil doesn’t show up for school without advance notice from the parents, the school contacts the parents immediately. None of this is thought of as being the least bit unusual. This is childhood in the ’90s...
baked in adj.— «Depending on the sentiment of the day, investors can think the worst case is already baked in, and another day think things can get even worse.» —“Fear provokes month-high stock drop” by Hope...
flying n.— «It was gathered that affected importers had hoped on “flying” the containers, another name for unlawful removal of goods out of the ports without necessary documents and payment of duties.» —“Importers Abandon...
rake bit n.— «“The Rake Bit”: Something that’s funny, goes on too long so it’s not funny, then goes on so long that it becomes INCREDIBLY funny. Goes under a couple different names, but of writers my age, this seems to be the most...
thumper n.— «I’ve had to join the arms race and get a “thumper,” a 40 mm over-the-shoulder grenade launcher.» —“Fear is knowing an AK-47 owner” by Barbara Reynolds USA Today Jan. 27, 1989. (source:...