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prairie whale

prairie whale  n.—Gloss: a hog. Note: So-called because its fat can be used for things usually done with ambergris. «By the 1840s, whale oil’s dominance in lighting was under sustained attack. Lard oil, boiled from the fat of hogs, or...

Hollywood hairdressing

Hollywood hairdressing  n.— «Mokbel turned down a procedure called “Hollywood hairdressing,” which artificially covers bald spots, in favour of the more exclusive laser treatment.» —“Truth about Fat Tony’s...

chicken cutlet

chicken cutlet  n.— «Well, now, it’s not only not snug, but I look ridiculous because it has boning in the chest AND I have no boobs !!! I do have some “chicken cutlet” silicone fake boobs, so I’m tempted to wear that with the...

Apollo’s belt

Apollo’s belt  n.— «“There is reason to envy someone skinny enough to have such a pronounced apollo’s belt. i often tell people that i have one, but that it’s just covered in a layer of fat.”…“round here we call those cum...

cum gutter

cum gutter  n.— «“There is reason to envy someone skinny enough to have such a pronounced apollo’s belt. i often tell people that i have one, but that it’s just covered in a layer of fat.”…“round here we call those cum gutters...


cabbage  n.— «The most common surgeries used to be tonsillectomy and hysterectomy. Today it’s Cardiac Bypass or “cabbage” in doctor speak, which ironically is the result of not eating any.» —“Big Fat Liars” by Al...