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rinse  n.— «Some of the people at Mr Ferretti’s home that night said he had previously supplied them with drugs, including Rinse, a form of Fantasy.» —“Coroner Condemns Fatal Fantasy Drug” Dominion Post (New...


receipt  n.— «This match, as Joey might put it, was a “receipt” for Awesome throwing Vader out of the Extreme Rumble for the DEWF Heavyweight Title. Really. It was gruesome.» —“DEWF Thursday Thunder for 4/25/96!!! (Part...


rinse  n.— «Fantasy is a class B drug also known as Rinse, GBH or GHB, after its chemical name gammahydroxybutyric acid.» —“New leads in nightclub drug overdose case” Dominion Post (New Zealand) June 8, 2004...


jitterbug  n.— «I’m sure every woman brutalized by some jitterbug incited by gangsta rap is happy to learn that the issue there is fantasy.» —“Re: unspoken media truths…” by Gregor Usenet: triangle...