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fanon  n.— «A brilliant first-timer fic that captures just about everything I love about this relationship. (some annoying fanon stuff, but hey.)» —“Fic that is particularly good” by Miss Faithling Fantastico...


fanon  n.— «Daniel does in fact have three doctorates, which was a fanon thing that I totally didn’t buy into before.» —“Fandom, start your engines” by Banned from Finland (zorb) Mocked by the...


fanon n. the body of widely accepted fan-created embellishments of a fictional universe, storyline, or character. Editorial Note: Thanks to Ruth Czirr for suggesting fanon as an entry. Etymological Note: fan + ca(n)on. The person quoted in the first...


fanon  n.— «Writers and readers maintain a strict distinction between “canon,” the original works as Rowling wrote them, and “fanon,” the embellished, alternative retelling by fans. (In canon, Draco Malfoy is evil;...


fanon  n.— «I’ve heard it said that the “Blair-as-trouble-magnet” bit is fanon, not canon, as in it’s an unsupported fic convention. Eh, no, that’s not right. The boy gets into a lot of hot water, and it’s not even all cop...


fanon  n.— «I’ve also coined “fanon” to mean “fan canon”…it’s yours, if you want it.» —“that nail in my grave” by Emily Salzfass Usenet: alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated Apr...