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facet block

facet block  n.— «What kind of shot did Drew get? “Just basically, it’s called a “facet block,” it has a little cortisone in it,” Drew said. “[I] had an epidural last year a couple of times, and neither one of...


Floridana  n.— «Old postcards are one facet of what some collectors call kitsch and others prefer to call “Floridana”—a broader term that extends beyond the simply silly and encompasses a vast body of memorabilia with one thing in common:...

exploding offer

exploding offer  n.— «“On April 17, we had an exploding offer from Pennzoil,” Wyant says. Pennzoil offered $32 in cash to all shareholders for 100 percent of Facet stock. The offer, which was issued Friday afternoon, expired the...


parent-flattering  adj.— «One marketing firm has coined a term for such parent-driven kid fashion, an industry likely to hit $17.5 billion this year. It’s a facet of licensing called “parent-flattering,” according to the study...

tea money

tea money  n.— «While Vietnam operates in a very centralized, federalist system, with little variance in local laws, a much greater variance exists in the application and enforcement of national laws. “Tea money,” common...