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fakenger n. a person who imitates the fashion of, or uses equipment similar to, a bike messenger. Editorial Note: Synonyms are “posenger” and “pretendenger.” Etymological Note: fake + messenger (source: Double-Tongued...

donkey dick

donkey dick  n.— «The term “donkey dick” for example, is used to describe at least three different pieces of Marine equipment: a type of fuel spout, a radio antenna and a mortar-tube cleaning brush.» —by Evan...

snivel gear

snivel gear n. a soldier’s equipment or clothing perceived as providing comfort beyond that which is strictly necessary, such as a poncho, a sweater, gloves, a sleeping bag, etc. Editorial Note: The first cite is a nonce usage unrelated to the term...

snivel gear

snivel gear
 n.— «SNIVEL GEAR = comfort items.» —“A Soldier’s E-Mail Changes Their Equipment” by Joe Katzman Winds of Change.Net Feb. 18, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

honey bucket

honey bucket  n.— «The Russians even installed a trash airlock for the regular disposal of food containers, dirty clothing, small items of failed equipment, and sealed fecal filters from their space toilet. When military trackers at the...


BLR  n.— «As far as Bonapartism in the higher echelons of the Pakistan Army goes, the situation in army parlance is BLR or Beyond Local Repair. BLR denotes a vehicle or other piece of equipment such as a weapon, being in such a state that...