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electronic slumber

electronic slumber  n.— «Meanwhile, the latest gyroscope failure forced the space telescope into an electronic slumber called a “safe mode.” The operating mode ensures that the telescope continues to generate electricity for...


medvol  n.— «The enlisted soldiers were told they were volunteering for a program that was “completely safe” so safe that in fact the Army would not be doing any type of medical follow up. That we were testing equipment and...

floggle toggle

floggle toggle  n.— «I’ve been listening to The Navy Lark recently and noticed the writer occasional threw in some obscure but genuine naval slang for comic effect. One I’m a bit puzzled about is “floggle toggle.” It appears to...


lopomo  n.— « An increasing amount of electricity is used by equipment that is neither fully “on” nor fully “off.” We call these equipment states low power modes, or “lopomos.” “Standby” and “sleep” are the most familiar lopomos, but some...


walltop  n.— «Five hours later I turned my laptop into a digital picture frame. Coined as a “walltop” by one of the first that was widely publicized (here), it is just a plain old laptop with the screen being displayed in a picture frame...


back-load  n.— «AHTSVs are offshore supply vessels used in offshore oil exploration and production. They supply materials such as potable water, cement, fuel, food-boxes, equipment and spares to drilling rigs and offshore installations. On...