Motown sweep n.— «That move you wrote about today where drivers exit from the left lane has a name. It’s called “the Motown Sweep.” I’m not sure who coined the phrase, but I originally heard about it from one of my professors...
batch out v. phr.— «The cooking has almost become as addictive as the drug itself, with users swapping recipes and methods, Buffenbarger said. “It’s a high in itself for them to batch out, as they call it.”» —“Rural meth...
capsuling n.— «“Capsuling” (or cabsala as they call it in Arabic) is a drug habit that has spread in Iraq over the last few years, only now it has become an epidemic addiction that the Al Mahdi Army thrives on.» —“Life in...
globesity n.— «Brain circuits involved in drug addiction are also activated by the desire for food, say researchers this week, claiming that the mere display of food—the smelling and tasting of favourite foods without actually eating...