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tango uniform

tango uniform  n.— «It comes with a standard V-6 engine, a new unibody chassis and independent rear suspension, and a seven-year, 100,000-mile warranty in case all goes, as they say in the military, tango uniform.» —“Not grand, but...


unass  v.— «There have been numerous cases of the plane making an acceptable touchdown while significant passenger casualties are taken before they can un-ass the aircract.» —“Re: engine failures and safety” by prb@access...


unass  v.— «The Saracen swapped the engine from the rear to front for reasons of easy debussing (dismounting, “un-assing’ in US miltary parlance) by the PBI (Poor Bloody Infantry) carried in the back area.» —“Monteith provides...


smitty  n.— «My prefered method of quieting an engine is to use a short “turbo” type muffler just behind the engine. This is followed by a crossover pipe connecting the two banks together and then a “smitty” to...


Collyer  n.— «Engine 402 arrived on scene at 1:21 PM and crews entered the home with a 1 3/4 inch attack line. Crews were severely hampered by extreme “Collyers Mansion” conditions throughout the home.» —“New Jersey...