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brown gas

brown gas  n.— «Besides saving gas money, using what is called “brown gas” makes the car drive smoother, cleans the engine and is better for the environment, Bogue said.…Under his hood, Bogue filled six quart-sized jars...

human flesh search engine

human flesh search engine  n.— «In the wake of the violence that has rocked Tibet and the protests over the Olympic torch relay, online bulletin boards in China have erupted with virulent comments rooted in nationalist sentiments. On some...

boat proctologist

boat proctologist  n.— «One Dutch Harbor resident, Jeff Whited, who calls himself a “boat proctologist”—that is, someone who goes down into the bowels of a vessel to fix an engine or a prop shaft—said, “I hate these movie stars” while...


chuggle  n.— «My ’01 Impala with the 3800 engine has 122,000 miles. For the last two months, it has began to surge rhythmically at about one-second intervals when accelerating from a stop sign or to maintain speed.…A sticky or...

clownsuit engine

clownsuit engine  n.— «A clownsuit engine…does an advanced Google search within specific parameters. In this case, it searches for files on one click hosts that contain the keywords the clown and the little boy type into the search...

infant-mortality failure

infant-mortality failure  n.— «Dr. Ulrich’s analysis of NTSB data proves conclusively what I’ve long believed to be true: By far the highest risk of catastrophic engine failure occurs when the engine is young—during the first two years and...