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non-paper  n.— «M Michel Rocard, the French Minister, yesterday returned to Paris to discuss the summit with President Mitterrand. He will also be opening a “non paper”, setting out the position, which will be put to the...


sonker n. a type of berry pie or cobbler. Editorial Note: This appears to be specific to the area near Mount Airy, N.C. Etymological Note: Perh. fr. Sc./Brit. Eng. songle, singill, single, ‘a handful of grain or gleanings,’ or from Sc. sonker ‘to...


–ting suffix denoting an activitity related to dating. Etymological Note: 팅 < Eng. meeting. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


meeting n. a group date; a blind date. Cf. -ting. Etymological Note: 미팅 < Eng. meeting (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)