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béké  n.— «When Leblanc made his political debut, in 1957, he joined the Dominica Labour Party, which had been founded two years before by the novelist and poet Phyllis Shand Allfrey (author of The Orchid House and a rare locally...


GUBU  adj.— «Everyone from hardline feminists to dyed-in-the-wool conservatives hate what he has done. He has achieved a double distinction by producing an unpopular budget on the back of an enormous budget surplus. Why does the word Gubu...


GUBU  adj.— «It was always unlikely that Haughey, who survived the arms trial, allegations about land deals in north Dublin and the GUBU saga was going to be tripped up at the age of 71.» —“The Dunne thing” by Rory Godson...


GUBU  adj.— «Gubu happens to be my personal contribution to the political lexicon of the contemporary Republic.» —“Power that must be denied” by Conor Cruise O’Brien The Times (London, Eng.) May 30, 1989...


jointery  n.— «Multinational command—known in military parlance as “jointery”—was a vital component of modern warfare.» —“US command of British troops in Iraq ‘business as usual” in London, Eng...


safe  adj.— «Safe. A term used to describe someone who is generally a pretty good egg in all aspects. Example: “Have you met my mate George? He’s well safe, everone loves him.” The term can also be used to reassure—”are...