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dipmom  n.— «Jones agrees, saying she is heartbroken about a new law enforcement acronym: “dipmoms,” which stands for “dad in prison, mom on meth.”» —“Guv hooked on Montana’s anti-meth ads” by Matt...

trunk you

trunk you  n.— «Fulton County Deputy District Attorney Deborah Espy told me about a pimp enforcement practice called “trunk you.” “They throw the children in the trunk of a car, take them to another city and trade them to...


songlift  v.— «The term “Songlifting” appears to more narrowly define who is being targeted. A “songlifter” implies one who uploads; while presumable a “songdropper” would be the contrary.» —“New Round of...


songdropper  n.— «The term “Songlifting” appears to more narrowly define who is being targeted. A “songlifter” implies one who uploads; while presumable a “songdropper” would be the contrary.» —“New Round...


songlifter  n.— «The term “Songlifting” appears to more narrowly define who is being targeted. A “songlifter” implies one who uploads; while presumable a “songdropper” would be the contrary.» —“New Round...

sock round

sock round  n.— «An even newer option is less-lethal projectiles, such as bean bag rounds and the latest variation of “sock” rounds, which can be deployed in certain situations in lieu of deadly force.» —“The Shotgun...