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greentailing  n.— «In their newest book on retailing, authors Stern and Ander examine the revolutions occurring in the retail marketplace, with particular emphasis on the influential green trend in retailing, or Greentailing...

So. Much. Emphasis.

You’ve seen people indicate emphasis by putting a period after each of several words, and capitalizing the first letter of each word. A Michigan listener wonders how this stylistic trick arose. Her question was prompted by this description of...

crip studies

crip studies  n.pl.— «My writing often explores the intersections of non-normative bodies and identity, with an emphasis on interpretations informed by both disability and queer studies (an intersection often referred to as crip studies)...


svaroopa  n.— «Svaroopa: From the Sanskrit word that means “bliss,” this type of yoga teaches different ways of doing familiar poses, but with an emphasis on the spine and hips.» —“Styles to fit every aim” by R.J...


thugby  n.— «Despite the ruggedness of rugby, which has led some to dub it “thugby,” many don’t realize the high emphasis placed on sportsmanship. Players are required to socialize with their opponents at midfield immediately after...

3D foreign policy

3D foreign policy  n.— «We have operated what is sometimes called a “3D foreign policy”—diplomacy, development, and defense—with the clear emphasis on the first “D.”» —“Canada losing moral authority in...

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