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thrival  n.—Gloss: doing well in a place, at an occupation, or at an undertaking; the act of thriving. «Adulthood is about “thrival,” not so much survival, as we are no longer vulnerable to adults as we were when we were minor children...


campsickness  n.— «“Campsickness refers to the opposite of homesickness,” said Schafer. “These are kids who come back from camp after having a really good experience and miss their friends.”» —“Coping With...

iliac furrow

iliac furrow  n.— «“I am filled with bitter resentment and burning envy at the sight of this young fellow’s pronounced iliac furrow.”…“There is reason to envy someone skinny enough to have such a pronounced apollo’s belt...

Stephen Girard job

Stephen Girard job  n.— «That drawhead on which we had been working was tried and found to be short. We have to do all the work over again. A Stephen Girard job like that makes me lose heart.» —by Rexford B. Hersey Workers’...


therapism n. a culture or ideal of mental therapy, empathy, or sharing of feelings, especially as a cure. Editorial Note: This term was popularized, although probably not coined by, novelist Fay Weldon. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)