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Tagelephant elephant


elephant  n.— «It is sitting on what looks like the biggest new oilfield since the North Sea and Mexico offshore: a giant, by oil industry standards, if not yet exactly an elephant—Cano Limon, in Oxy’s 2.7 million-acre contract in Colombia...


elephant  n.— «Though more than a thousand discoveries are made in the U.S. yearly, “elephant fields”—those containing proven recoverable reserves of 100 million barrels of oil, one trillion cubic feet of gas, or the equivalant...


elephant  n.— «Vale threw a party in Ulan Bator with samba dancers flown in from Brazil to mark the company’s arrival in Mongolia to search for another “elephant”—mining parlance for a big discovery.» —“Ivanhoe Seeks...


elephant  n.— «Squeezing out the last drop from existing energy plays makes sense when so many rivals are going overseas to hunt for “elephants”—industry jargon for huge conventional reserves.» —“Penn West prefers to play...

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