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scholasticide  n.— «Now in Gaza…we see the policy more clearly than ever—this “scholasticide.” The Israelis know nothing about who we really are, while we study and study them. But deep down they know how important...

full barn

full barn  n.— «I almost feel badly for those who don’t take advantage of coming to events like our men’s ice hockey game against Canisius College earlier in November. We had a full house (or “full barn,” as it is called in the...


bee-hawking  n.— «Wasps, and hornets in particular, are major predators of bees and the largest ones can make even the giant bees look puny. Some invade hives and steal grubs, while others swoop in and pluck loitering bees from the surface...

pig night

pig night  n.— «One of its disgusted members told me of its annual practice called “pig night” when pledges were sent out to find “ugly townie girls” to be invited to a big Yale party—at midnight they were told, now illegally liquored up...


Gulfie  n.— «The war broke out at the peak of the tourist season, when tens of thousands of wealthy visitors from the Gulf were expected to enjoy high-spending holidays in Lebanon. Instead, those in the country at the time found themselves...


convertitis  n.— «But converts have something to do with this too: it’s not all about susceptibility to Wahabism and Islamism. In the early months and in some cases early years after conversion to Islam, many undergo what long-standing...