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elastics  n.— «Elastics was mostly a girl-thang… but it’s where you have a large loop of elastic and put it round the ankles of two ppl and they stand apart a bit. Then ppl would take turns jumping on it, in it, outside it…...


money  adj.— «Money ball players are so called because when there is something at stake, or when they are in a spot where, if they come through, their outfit prevails, and if they fail, their club loses, they usually deliver...

submarine patent

submarine patent  n.— «Acacia is one of a number of companies that are making a good living by sitting on patents that are actually very general in their application. Individuals can register such patents, with no ability to develop...


flipper  n.— «Record companies are thinking of doing testing in Britain of new technology that allows music and videos to be sold on a single reversible disc…Sony Music, a division of Japan’s Sony Corporation, said that it was...


twidget n. a soldier or other military individual whose job primarily involves using or maintaining electronics. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


churched  adj.— «This forces us to face the question whether the growth patterns of certain “successful” churches mainly represent their increased share of the churchgoing population, or whether they are attracting significant...