tabbing n.β Β«All of sudden a helicopter rises out of a valley, makes one pass over the landing site, before zeroing in and touching down.…They are returning after a night under the stars, tabbing, as they call it, around a dozen...
suicide gown n.β Β«Across the way, about a dozen inmates are engaged in a “socialization” exercise. Some participants are chained to benchesβ”for civilian workers” safety,” as Hong explains it. Others sit...
sidezoomer n.β Β«Sidezoomers have a variety of strategies, each exaggerated by the configuration of the Caldecott but replicated in bottlenecks across the land: there are the ones who zoom by a few dozen cars, angling in when they see a...
Booya! It's another newsletter from A Way with Words. This past weekend's show rocked the mic. We talked about "voluntold," "apple of my eye," nicknames for Vancouver, and the expression "a face that could gag a...
If you were raised in North Dakota like our caller, you might wonder about a phrase you heard growing up: “It’s a horse apiece.” It means something like “six of one, half a dozen of the other.” She is curious about the...
Ahoy, listeners! In this past weekend's show we talked about how reports that it's the end of the line for the typewriter have been greatly exaggerated, about "founder" versus "flounder," about names for winds, and we...