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quinceañera  n.— «There is no doubt that the Hispanic coming-of-age quinceañera is more popular, move lavish and, in subtle ways, more American than ever. Picture a souped-up debutante ball without the high-society trappings or a bat...


umbraphile  n.— «Umbraphiles, having endured nearly two and a half years of withdrawal, will no doubt rejoice at the coming of this, the first total solar eclipse since March 2006.» —by Philip S. Harrington Eclipse! Sept. 1...


popcult  n.— «Marilyn remains iconic—no doubt for me, my friends, and everyone we know, because Gwen and Madge have name-checked the legendary screen star enough to canonize her place in the popcult lexicon.» —“TTC brings you...


bus  n.— «We hear the low growl of a panther—but it’s the hiss of the brakes of a bus as it comes into shot from screen right. Watching this in the right circumstances, you’ll jump out of your skin…as no doubt audiences...


Nooma  n.— «Mars Hill hosts “doubt nights” where audience members can ask the pastor about anything, and produces short films, called “Noomas,” (from the Greek word pneuma, meaning “spirit”) featuring...


slobber-knock  n.— «If you doubt that statement, toss a cricket or grasshopper on the surface of a pond and see how long it takes something to slobber-knock it.» —“Despite Recent Missed Chances, Fishing Heats Up As Weather...