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Now hiring a development associate

Public Radio Nonprofit Development Associate Summary Wayword, Inc., the nonprofit entity producing the nationwide public radio program A Way with Words, seeks an experienced development and fundraising associate to maximize our growing revenue...

checkbook charity

checkbook charity  n.— «During good times, our donors have set aside significant charitable dollars, and now are able to tap those funds when they are needed most.…It demonstrates how donor advised funds can help people go beyond...


liver-versary  n.— «She was given a new lease on life when she became one of the first patients in London to receive a liver transplant.…Fisher recently marked the 25th anniversary of her transplant —”liver-versary,” as...


splitter  n.— «Schaffler estimates that Armstrong has helped as many as 600 patients. Armstrong is what’s known as a splitter, meaning each time he donates his platelets can serve up to three people.» —“Platelet donor gives gift of...


stick  n.— «Among employees at the Preston Valley donor center, Mr. Cone is known—in professional parlance—as a “difficult stick.” “He’s done this for so long, it’s difficult to hit him in the right place, where he...

Ben Franklin effect

Ben Franklin effect  n.— «Giving can lead to other forms of involvement: Volunteering, advocacy. And vice-versa. It’s called the Ben Franklin Effect. Because Franklin once said: He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do...