Why is it that what you say to your family and what they hear are different? If you say “no,” your child hears “maybe,” and if you say “maybe,” she hears “ask again and again,” and “yes” is...
Pig Zero n.— «There is not yet any genetic proof that this particular flu was ever in a pig. […] Now, scientists say, the hunt is on for what is jokingly being called Pig Zero. “No one that I’m aware of has swabbed pigs for...
Martha and Grant revisit the “apple core, Baltimore” game they discussed a few episodes ago. Many listeners learned it from this Donald Duck cartoon. This is part of a complete episode.
choir n.— «Britain’s first convicted war criminal was sentenced to a year in prison and dismissed from the army Monday in connection with the death of an Iraqi hotel worker. The victim died of asphyxia after being held in stress...
7,000-mile screwdriver n.— «Senior military officers referred to it as “the 7,000-mile screwdriver.” That was their way of describing Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s penchant for micromanaging aspects of the Iraq...
92-Mike n.— «The individuals who work at the depot are mortuary affairs specialists, referred to as “92-Mikes” in Army parlance.» —“Fallen Troops’ Belongings Handled With Care at Maryland Depot” by Steven...