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pimp v. (by senior medical personnel) to badger a student doctor with medical questions (as a teaching method). Editorial Note: The more common meanings of to pimp are well-defined elsewhere. Etymological Note: The theory posited in the 1997...


loop  n.— «“The film was banned in over 23 states and yes it was controversial…there were the ‘white coat’ films before this and they always had this pretense,” by which Reems means the so-called white-coat with a doctor narrating...

leg attack

leg attack  n.— «Did you know legs also have “attacks” just like the heart? Thousands of Indians undergo an amputation every year. Of these, half could have been averted if reported to a doctor in time.» —“Leg attack can...

doctor shopping

doctor shopping  n.— «Eventually, according to Detective Parrish, Chad began getting his prescriptions through a practice known as doctor shopping.…A person makes appointments with several doctors, fakes symptoms that would merit...


cone  n.— «Where scientists are never addressed as doctor because everyone has a Ph.D.; instead they’re affectionately known as “cones” as in cone heads.» —“Los Alamos’ Future Up In The Air” in Los Alamos, N.M...


mets  n.— «I have mets.…it has metastasized to my lungs. Don’t pay for that trip to France.» —“When the doctor is the patient” by Cathy Gordon Houston Chronicle Aug. 1, 1999. (source: Double-Tongued...