dark green adj.— «Some environmental funds, for example, only invest in clean-technology companies promoting a cleaner environment; such funds are often known as “dark green.”» —“With ethical stocks struggling, is it time...
edge caching n.— «It would result in companies that can afford to pay delivering their content quickly to users while other sites would flounder as traffic dries up. One of the ways this is achieved is through what is known as “edge...
Halloo and ahoy! If you missed last weekend's episode of A Way with Words, it's now up on the web site: We had a good time as we talked with callers about: --the meaning and origin of "snarky"...
A husband and wife ask for wisdom about a long-running dispute: Is it last-stitch effort or last-ditch effort? This is part of a complete episode.
bubblenap n.— «Possible new jargon watch…BubbleNap: Like a “dirt-nap” from mafia films, only this term refers to the self-induced sleepwalking of entrepreneurs who experienced the first dot com bust but wish desperately...
jink v.— «Jink: To maneuver violently to avoid a threat. “I jinked to ditch that SAM.” “I jinked to avoid the First Shirt.”» —“USAF Slang” by maddog2840 in Las Vegas, Nevada F-16.net June 21...