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Duchenne smile

Duchenne smile  n.— «He knows the difference between Duchenne and non-Duchenne smiles: one crinkles the orbicularis oculi muscles and the other does not. One is genuine and shows in the eyes; the other mostly involves the mouth and looks...

Nigerian luggage

Nigerian luggage  n.— «For example some cab drivers in Britain tend to want to make a distinction between regular luggage and what they refer to as “Nigerian luggage”—a cheeky reference to our penchant for buying up entire...

shoddy yarn

shoddy yarn  n.— «I learnt that Panipat is the country’s biggest producer of shoddy yarn, importing rags from Europe, USA, Asia and Canada and spinning them into inexpensive yarn. In fact, its 350-plus shoddy spinning units give Panipat...


junque  n.— «“Rummage” is a highly discretionary adjective that overlaps with the category of “junque,” itself an emic descriptor connoting a distinction achieved through disrepair or neglect.» —“A Sociocultural...


viewshed n. the landscape or topography visible from a geographic point, especially that having aesthetic value. Etymological Note: This term is directly related to watershed ‘an area or ridge of land that separates waters flowing to different...


fanon  n.— «Writers and readers maintain a strict distinction between “canon,” the original works as Rowling wrote them, and “fanon,” the embellished, alternative retelling by fans. (In canon, Draco Malfoy is evil;...