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jade berg

jade berg  n.— «There’s one berg, quite small and grounded only a short distance from the hut that really takes the cake. Called the “Jade Berg’ by most of us it has a varied and unusual colouring. Most of it is this rich translucent...

Goldilocks zone

Goldilocks zone  attrib.— «A planet orbiting a star at the right distance to stay suitably cosy is therefore said by astronomers to be in the star’s “Goldilocks zone”—or, when they are being more serious, the “habitable...


rabbit  n.— «A rabbit, in track and field parlance, is a pacemaker, or the athlete who gets things going in middle and long distance races before paving way for selected runners to take up the cue and post designated times, in most cases...


swirling  n.— «“One of the phenomena of today’s college student is the term ‘swirling’,” Moss said, which refers to the fact that many students attend more than one college. Moss said that especially with distance learning, students...

lily white

lily white  n.— «Ever-tighter IRA internal security and the organisation’ use of “lily whites,” activists with little or no known history of involvement in violence who keep their distance from the Irish community in Britain...

New Angeles

New Angeles  n.— «New York and L.A. were once charged elements sparking creativity from coast to coast. But the distance between these opposing cities has collapsed under the weight of a culture consisting mainly of marketing messages. L.A...