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crotch fruit

crotch fruit  n.— «Child-free groups display a startling antagonism toward kids, referring to them as “anklebiters,” “crib lizards,” “crotch fruit,” “fartlings,” “germ mongers,”...

yard sale

yard sale  n.— «Yard sale: A horrendous crash that leaves all of your belongings scattered as if on display for sale. Also a skiing term.» —“Cycling through the lingo” Ventura County Star (California) July 4, 2005...

I love me wall

I love me wall n. n. a public display of awards, certificates, plaques, and photographs with or from celebrities, etc.; a brag wall. Also me wall, love me wall. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

horse blanket

horse blanket  n.— «An oversized chart—nicknamed the “horse blanket” because of its size—was created to display the postwar targets for one month, six months and a year out.» —“Afghanistan Aid Sets Bad Example —Bush...


mug  v.— «During a confrontation with the woman, Sims “mugged” her, a street term for pushing someone’s face with an open hand in a display of disrespect, according to police.» —“Athens man invokes courthouse...