Super Duper Tuesday n.— «If Californians are lucky, Super Duper Tuesday could fall just about three years from today. Super Tuesday, you’ll remember, came early last March, when six states held their primary elections and, in effect, took...
Super-Duper Tuesday n.— «Texas lawmakers want in on Super-Duper Tuesday. That’s what some people call next year’s Feb. 5 presidential primary. It just added California to Arkansas, Delaware, Missouri, Oklahoma and Utah. New Mexico...
liberal lion n.— «The fate of Paul W. Douglas, the 47-year-old liberal lion of the Senate, now rests in the hands of Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chicago, whose own future is on the line.» —“‘A Precinct Captain’s...
hooking n.— «There was bickering among players across the net at several matches with players from one team accusing players from the other team of deliberately making incorrect calls—“hooking” in tennis parlance.» —“Aragon holds on...
marshal lockout n.— «The REO Realtors often have to go with marshals to what’s called a “marshal lockout,” where the inhabitants of a house refuse to leave until they’re forced out by armed officers.» —“Foreclosures as...
Beavis and Butthead lab n.— «“There was a level of sophistication here,” he said. “It’s not just a Beavis and Butthead lab.”» —“Police discover a 2-pound batch of speed “cooking” while no one was...